
Community & Business

23 July, 2024

5.6% rate increase higher than forecast

MAREEBA Shire ratepayers will be slugged an additional 5.6% in general rates and 5% extra for their water and sewerage access and water usage after the 2024-25 Budget was handed down last week.

5.6% rate increase higher than forecast - feature photo

The rate rise is more than double what was forecast in the council’s long-term financial plan but could not be avoided, according to Mayor Angela Toppin.

She said inflation and the rising costs of materials and services, coupled with the “widespread destruction” from Cyclone Jasper and the subsequent extreme rainfall event in December last year had necessitated the higher rates increase.

“This increase is to ensure that services are maintained, and community assets are kept to an acceptable standard. We will continue to do what we can to minimise the financial pressures that are impacting our community,” Mayor Toppin said.

According to the budget papers, a $5.67 million surplus is forecast for the 2024-25 financial year.

The budget features a $24.6 million capital works program which invests $8.48 million on the road network, $6.59 million on wastewater, $6.18 million on water, $892,000 on community facilities and $531,000 on parks and open spaces.

Some of the projects being funded are a new sewerage main for Constance Street, where residents have experienced overflows in heavy rainfall events, widening and sealing of Chewko Road, widening of McIver Road and footpath and furniture refurbishment for Mt Molloy.

Out of the $56.8 million operating budget, more than $13 million will be spent on waste, water and wastewater operations, while road and bridge maintenance accounts for $4.8 million, and maintaining council’s parks and open spaces will cost $3.43 million.

After the Mayor’s address, all councillors spoke on the budget, with Deputy Mayor Lenore Wyatt most proud of the fact that the council continued to offer a discount for prompt payment of rates which meant a saving to ratepayers of $2 million.

She also lauded the Community Partnership Program which delivers $445,000 in grants and other support to not-for-profits and events throughout the shire.

Cr Kevin Davies said it was never easy to strike a good budget, with many hours spent calculating figures to ensure council did not go into deficit and was able to maintain a balanced budget.

“This budget maintains current levels of service, decreased debt on borrowings without having to borrow more, it adds three additional outside staff members as well,” he said, adding that a lot of capital spend would be on core infrastructure such as sewerage and water which was vital but works that people never saw.

Cr Ross Cardillo said financial sustainability was the priority for council and must be balanced with delivery of services – a sentiment echoed by Cr Nipper Brown.

“It’s a budget that will help us maintain acceptable levels of service while remaining financially sustainable and that is very important,” he said.

Cr Mary Graham said some hard decisions have had to be made “to get to the strong financial position we are in today” which allowed the council to continue to upgrade and maintain its infrastructure and work with communities to improve livability throughout the shire.

Cr Amy Braes said the budget had been “a real exercise in balance”.

“Since Covid, the budgeted rate rises have not kept pace with inflation which is another factor that has necessitated the increase that we are endorsing today,” she said.

“Not taking this step would have forced council to continue to do more with less which would result in an ongoing decline in services and we know this won’t fly with our communities.

“I would like to reassure ratepayers and residents that this budget has been developed with care and attention – we’ve scrutinised the details, we have questioned the service levels, and we have tightened up on expenses where we could.”

► 5.6% rise in general rates

► 5% rise in water, sewerage charges

► $24.6 million capital works program

► $56.8 million in operating expenditure


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