
Community & Business

3 August, 2022

5G tower approved

A NEW telecommunications tower has been given approval near Mareeba, giving locals a ray of hope that mobile phone service in the area will be vastly improved.

5G tower approved - feature photo

The 40m-high tower will be installed at a property on Mines Road, with Mareeba Shire Council requiring the structure to be “pale eucalypt” in colour to help it blend in with the natural environment. 

Acknowledging that some residents have concerns about the health implications of the tower, councillors said they were comfortable approving the facility after speaking with experts who had largely allayed their fears. 

Cr Lenore Wyatt said council had done its due diligence and while she recognised there were concerns about a 5G tower, experts had advised this was similar to a 4G tower.

“Telstra need to come out and say those things to the public to allay their fears,” she said. 

But Cr Mario Mlikota said while he was not opposed to the 5G tower, he was “not happy” with the location and also suggested more information needed to be given to residents. 

Council approved the project, with Cr Mlikota voting against the approval.


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