16 May, 2022
Big win for Mareeba pool with new coach and heating
The Mareeba Pool is entering a new phase of life under new management with the recent appointment of a head swimming coach and a long-awaited heated pool set on the horizon.

The Mareeba Pool is entering a new phase of life under new management with the recent appointment of a head swimming coach and a long-awaited heated pool set on the horizon.
Keelwater took over the lease for the Mareeba, Dimbulah and Kuranda pools in August of 2021 after beating out long time lessees Cotters Aquatic. The new operators are now making waves with Lynette Koina taking up the position of head coach for the Mareeba Wildcats, she is set to start in May. Lessee Jason Salecich said Lynette will bring a wealth of coaching and life experience to the blocks at Mareeba.
“For me, swimming is a passion and something we want to promote to as many people as possible,” he said. “Lynette shares that passion so making the decision to engage her to guide and develop our swimming program at Mareeba was an easy decision.”
Lynette has been working in small regional areas across Queensland including Weipa. Her original mentor coach was Herbie Howard, current coach of Central Swimming Cairns and Paralympic champion Grant (Scooter) Patterson.
Lynette is thrilled to take on the top job at the Mareeba pool and will be working hard to make swimming an all-year-round sport in Mareeba.
“Jason and Donna got involved on the Tablelands to develop the sport up here and give more kids the opportunity to be the best swimmers they can be,” she said. “I am so excited to be a part of it, and I hope, in time, we will create something very special and beneficial for the town. “The Mareeba Wildcats are a great club and I am also very excited to work with the committee on growing the sport and the success of the club. “Jason and myself will work closely with council and the club to ensure we also seek grants to continue to improve the facility which will have benefits for all pool users.”
Heating is also set to be installed with Mareeba Shire Council securing a $165,000 from the Active Gameday Projects Fund. Mr Salecich said getting heating installed in the Mareeba pool will allow swimmers to enjoy the waters, all year round.
“Having a heated facility is vital to ensure we have a year-round swimming program,” he said. “Mareeba has much lower ambient temperatures at night and without heaters and some good covers it is impossible to establish such a program nor allow recreational and fitness swimmers to swim year-round. “The true value of having a heated pool, the exercise benefits for the community and users like schools will be amazing. “This is the first step in allowing swimming to be a year round sport for kids in Mareeba and that is what I am excited about.”
The project is aimed to be completed by the end of 2022 however this is dependent of when council receives the deed and availability of suppliers.