24 October, 2022
Bulls celebrate 2022 success
AFTER a successful season, the Mareeba United Football Club hosted their annual presentations, with some of the best players recognised for their efforts.

This year’s best junior bulls were Christian Mukadi, Meeshia Curley, Steven Cater and Braith De Faveri for their great sportsmanship, efforts in training and performance of the field.
Known for his skills on the field, Josh Leporati was a well deserving recipient of the Premier League Goalkeeper of the Year award.
This year’s premier men’s coach Kane Alderton and women’s Marcello Savaglio took home the coach of the year awards for pushing both teams above and beyond this season.
This year’s season was all about girl power with premier ladies Ayshia Brischetto, Samantha Madrid, Katia Spena and Nicole Ghensi taking home some well deserved wins.
This year’s players of the year were awarded to Sarah Clark and Liam Pozzebon, who carried their teams throughout some of the hardest matches of the year.
Prior to presentations, the men’s team also had a friendly “singles vs married” match, with singles taking home the win 3 to 2.