Community & Business
12 February, 2021
New program to boost men’s health
ATHERTON Men’s Shed has partnered with Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) and health organizations to launch a new health program tailored to older men.

ATHERTON Men’s Shed has partnered with Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) and health organizations to launch a new health program tailored to older men.
The Atherton Men’s Shed Physical Activity Program is a collaborative eff ort combining The Atherton’s Men’s Shed, TRC, FNQ Health and Fitness, Atherton Community Health and the Cairns and Hinterlands Hospital and Health Service.
The program aims to give older men the chance to learn how to manage their future health through the instruction and guidance of an exercise physiologist.
Secretary for the Atherton Men’s Shed John Whyte hopes that once word gets out about this program other Men’s Shed’s across the county will follow suit.
“We’ve had 25 men jump on board to do this program just to improve their general health,” he said.
“The program is tailored to each person, it won’t be one size fits all.
“If this program works well other men’s shed’s around Australia may pick up on a similar model.”
TRC Councilor Bernie Wilce is excited for this program to launch and give men a chance to take their health into their own hands.
“As a councilor one of my bigger pet peeves is to see good health within the community whether that be mental health, physical health or a combination of both,” he said.
“We have to look at housing, health, medical facilities, a lot of stuff and this is a fantastic start.
“If we can get the aging male population to appreciate their own health and wellbeing that’s going to go a long way.”
The 16-week program officially launches today (Wednesday, February 10) and will be held at the Prior’s Creek exercise park off Vernon Street, Atherton.