
General News

25 September, 2020

Cook Shire community consultation

THE Cook Shire Council has called out to the community to contribute towards the Cook Shire Council Community Plan.

By Rhys Thomas

Cook Shire community consultation - feature photo

THE Cook Shire Council has called out to the community to contribute towards the Cook Shire Council Community Plan.

A series of face-to-face events and opportunities are being held across the shire until the end of the year where community members can have their say.

The launch of the Council’s comprehensive community consultation process was launched last Monday which included a variety of other feedback forms, opportunities and channels.

Cook Shire Mayor Peter Scott is excited to get out and about to have these face to face talks with the members of his council area.

“These next few months of events and engagements give our councillors the opportunity to explore the aspirations of the community,” he said.

This allows the councillors to understand how the community wants Cook Shire to look and feel over the next decade.

The Community plan is a ten year, high level plan for Cook Shire that identifies community needs and articulates the Council’s and community’s long term visions, aspirations and priorities.

There were six community consultations held over the course of last week with many more to be announced before the end of the year.


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