Community & Business

31 October, 2024

Cyclists mark national ride day

AROUND 100 cyclists recognised the National Ride 2 Work Day recently, cycling into Malanda for a bike ride and catch up with likeminded people.

Cyclists had a good catch up after the Ride 2 Work Day event at Malanda recently.
Cyclists had a good catch up after the Ride 2 Work Day event at Malanda recently.

The onus on “cycling to work” didn’t relate to everyone (with a large group of retired people and primary school-aged kids and parents), so organisers adopted the “ride to somewhere” approach.

The event, which was well attended by the local SAO (Sixty and Over) group and others, joined the Malanda State School’s Bikebus program to cycle to town. 

The Bikebus program has operated for many years, with many kids cycling safely every week with the support of dedicated staff. 

“For my kids, the Bikebus makes school mornings an adventure, boosting their confidence and independence while teaching them the importance of teamwork and road safety,” parent Tamara Olley said.

Malanda’s Prince Cyclery proprietors Stewart and Jay Prince are long-time proponents of cycling in the community, and attended to engage the children in this safe and supported activity. 

The event was attended also by avid cyclist, Tablelands Deputy Mayor Dave Bilney, who rode along with the group and commented that “…the increase in cycling is pleasing. TRC continues to support the many forms of cycling on the Tablelands, whether you live here or are visiting.” 

The National Ride 2 Work Day is a reminder to the communities about the importance of physical activity, connection with others and sharing the road.

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