
Community & Business

21 June, 2022

Davies Creek Road to reopen in time for holidays

DAVIES Creek Road is scheduled to reopen this week after being closed since 2 June as Mareeba Shire Council upgrade the bridge.

Davies Creek Road to reopen in time for holidays - feature photo

An engineering inspection and load assessment was undertaken on the existing Davies Creek bridge in 2015 which identified significant deterioration of some of the timber girders. 

In February 2021, council secured a grant under the Australian Government's Bridges Renewal Program towards upgrading of the bridge which is about 3.1km from the intersection of the Kennedy Highway and Davies Creek Road. 

The project involved replacing the existing timber girders and deck of the bridge with concrete precast deck and kerb units, the installation of bridge relieving slabs and an asphalt deck wearing surface. 

It is estimated the works will be completed prior to 24 June which will ensure that camping areas within the National Park are accessible for the July school holidays.


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