19 May, 2021
Dimbulah brings back cricket
A PASSIONATE Dimbulah teacher has gotten support from Cricket Queensland in an attempt to revive and install a cricket program in the town.

A PASSIONATE Dimbulah teacher has gotten support from Queensland Cricket in an attempt to revive and install a cricket program in the town.
Emme Wild recently moved to Dimbulah from Western Australia and was struck by the lack of sporting facilities and opportunities in her new community.
With the drive to make a change she contacted Trisha Spry from Queensland Cricket who suggested bringing a six-week Cricket Blast program to the local schools in the area.
“This is to provide an opportunity and an introduction into cricket for those students,” Ms Wild said.
“Another one of the reasons we set this program up is to provide the opportunity for those who are local and unable to get into Mareeba.
“Ultimately we would love to put a cricket team together or bring cricket to Dimbulah and provide another sporting avenue for the town.”
32 Enrolled kids spent last Wednesday afternoon after school doing drills and building their cricketing skills with hopes for a potential junior team to sprout.
The team would fall under the Mareeba District Cricket Club but contain players from Mutchilba, Dimbulah and other surrounding communities.