
Community & Business

31 January, 2024

Entries close today for mango comp

The Express Newspaper’s annual KP Mango Competition will come to a close at 5pm today, Wednesday 31 January.

Entries close today for mango comp - feature photo

This year, there were many entries in the competition, with the number one placeholder as of print (Monday) being Steve Gould. 

The winners will be announced in next week’s edition.

The current leaderboard is…

1. Steve Gould – 1.597

2. Veronique Keating – 1.379

3. Sophie Davey – 1.342 

4. Weston Hilditch – 1.298

5. Thomas Lowe – 1.289

6. Jovie Hilditch – 1.214

7. Sophie and Teo Palumbo – 1.2

8. Montagner family - 1.14

9. Wayan Asih – 1.109

10. Mackenzie O’Shea – 1.075

11.Riley O’Shea – 1.06

12. Preston 0’Shea – 0.96 


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