
On The Land

2 December, 2023

Farm plays it safe

Farms were fortunate to have a visit by Worksafe Queensland Safety Ambassador and rugby league legend Shane Webcke earlier this month as part of the Costa National Safe Work Month activities.

By Brigitte Daley

Costa staff who attended Shane Webcke’s safety presentation at the Costa Avocado Homeshed Pack Shed, Tolga, included Rob Hudson, John Stuart, Rodney Davis, Shane Webcke (presenter), Warren Smee, Lauren Mather and Andre Mohle.
Costa staff who attended Shane Webcke’s safety presentation at the Costa Avocado Homeshed Pack Shed, Tolga, included Rob Hudson, John Stuart, Rodney Davis, Shane Webcke (presenter), Warren Smee, Lauren Mather and Andre Mohle.

Safe Work Month is held nationally each year in October. However, it is not just about staying safe in October. It is of vital importance for workplaces to be safe every day of the year.

Agriculture is one of the most dangerous industries to work in because of its combination of hazards which include plant and machinery.

WHS Manager FNQ Region - Berry Category Leonie Bryant said Costa was also hosting Shane at their berry farms in New South Wales and Tasmania in the coming weeks.

Shane delivered his presentation at the Costa Avocado Homestead Pack Shed in Tolga.

“The session was attended by 70 of our employees across our avocado, banana and berry farms on the Atherton Tablelands,” Leonie said. 

“Costa places a strong emphasis on safety across all our operations and this year we wanted to do something a bit different to mark National Safe Work Month and thought a guest speaker would be engaging for our teams.

“Shane’s love of the land and farming along with his safety message made the perfect match for not only the FNQ Costa team but across the wider Costa Group.”

Leonie said that Shane’s “take home” key message for Costa’s banana, avocado and berry teams was to always put safety first.

“The presentation just really brought home the message that we all need to take responsibility for safety,” she said.

“Shane’s presentation really brought home the message that complacency is the silent killer.

“The ‘she’ll be right mentality’ or ‘I have been doing this for years’, is not going to cut it.

“Safety is your decision!”

Shane shared the story about how his father’s tragic workplace death impacted his family and offered advice to staff about the importance of staying safe at work and creating a strong safety culture.

He discussed the importance of safety in not only the workplace but in everything that individuals do.

His motivation for accepting the role as Queensland Safety Ambassador was linked to the fact that he lost his father in a preventable workplace accident when he was in his late teens.

He feels that if he can change the attitude of even one person and prevent a tragedy happening to another family then his father’s death would not have been in vain.

A strong advocate for work safety, Shane has visited workplaces throughout Queensland to share his story and highlight the impacts that a work-related death, serious injury or illness can have on workers and their families.

He encourages people to think twice about their own and their mates’ safety and help workplaces create and promote a positive safety culture.

Shane knows first-hand that family and loved ones are the most important reason for work safety.

He said parents would never want their children to grow up without knowing them.

He would never want anyone to endure what he and his family went through after his father’s death which was totally devastating and sadly, avoidable.

He is as passionate today as he was when he first started in his role as Queensland Safety Ambassador in 2015.

Group Manager WHS & Workers Compensation Mark Camilleri said it was a very worthwhile event.

“We were lucky to have Shane Webcke speak to our Costa staff and contractors at our Homestead farm in Tolga, Far North Queensland,” Mark said.

“Shane’s passion for farming and safety, along with his high energy delivery style and message, connected with the entire Costa team.

“After his presentation, Shane also spent time chatting with the audience more informally which was extremely well received.”


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