
Community & Business

25 November, 2022

Free talk on grasswren

THE BirdLife Northern Queensland branch is inviting all interested people to a fascinating free talk about the Carpentarian Grasswren this Thursday at Malanda.

Free talk on grasswren - feature photo

Grasswrens are small, uniquely Australian birds that mostly live in hot inland parts of Australia in association with Spinifex, Lignam or Canegrass, often in rocky outcrop areas or desert sand dunes. They are poorly known and many are threatened with extinction.

With the assistance of the Graham Harrington Student Research Scholarship provided by the branch, Henry Stoetzel is undertaking a PhD thesis on this species.

Working with graziers and volunteers in western Queensland, the work is already adding to our knowledge of these remarkable little birds.

Across much of its ranges local populations are in decline or in some cases have disappeared and a combination of researchers, the Southern Gulf NRM body, local graziers and citizen scientists organised by BirdLife NQ are working together to try and save this species.

The Research and Recovery of Endangered Species group of the University of Queensland has been working on the Car-pentarian Grasswren since 2019 and Henry will be presenting the first stage results at his free talk at the Malanda Hotel on Thurs-day from 7.30 pm.

For more information contact the Tableland Area Coordinators Sam and Martin Willis on 4096 6581 or 0412 642 141.

Come and find out more about this elusive and fascinating bird of the spinifex


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