Community & Business
23 January, 2021
Gloria farewells 45 years of helping others
LATE last year Gloria Carusi said her final goodbye to Mareeba Discount Drug Store after working there for the better part of 20 years.

LATE last year Gloria Carusisaid her final goodbye to Mareeba Discount Drug Storeafter working there for the better part of 20 years.
Born in Mutchilba, the Mareeba local had been working in pharmaceuticals for 45 years with her first job at Amantes Pharmacy in 1970 just a year after leaving school. Gloria worked there until having her two childrenFrank and Katrina.
After taking a five-year break she returned to work at Morzone’sPharmacy in 1980.
She stayed through the change of ownership in 2000 when the pharmacy became Wadley’s Soul PattersonPharmacy until finally changing to Mareeba DiscountDrug Store.
Gloria enjoyed her time working at Mareeba Discount Drug Store and said that she had too many good memories to list.
“There are too many good memories I cannot think of one specific one,” she said
“The atmosphere was great working at Discount Drug Store it was a great team of people I worked with" - Gloria Carusi
“I loved what I did, I love the customers they were just beautiful people.”
Gloria was a pharmacyassistant at the Mareeba Discount Drug Store, she wouldreceive and lodge prescriptions along with general customer service duties.
Bianca Hope, Managing Partner for Mareeba DiscountDrug Store and Gloria’s boss said it was a pleasure working with her.
“Gloria is always happy and enthusiastic at work you could tell she enjoyed what she did, it was reflected inher outstanding customer service,” she said.
“All the staff were lucky to learn from her and the many years of pharmacy experience she had.
“Gloria leaving us is theend of an era in our store and her retirement will be felt by both staff and customers alike.
“We wish Gloria all the best and thank her for all her hard work and dedication to Mareeba Discount DrugStore and the pharmacy profession.”
Now having retired Gloria is turning her attention to hergarden at her home in Mareeba.