4 July, 2020
Gymnastics gets ready to open doors
A sense of normality is slowly returning to the region with many community events and sports starting to slowly ramp back up including local gymnastics.

A sense of normality is slowly returning to the region with many community events and sports starting to slowly ramp back up including local gymnastics.
The Mareeba Gymnastics Club shut their doors on March 23 after following the Federal Governments COVID-19 advice.
Now the doors will open once again on Monday July 13 with all of the coaches following strict hygiene and cleaning measures and the ‘Safe Return to Gymnastics Guidelines’ which were developed by Gymnastics Queensland.
Mareeba Gymnastics Club Coaching Director Kelly Tulloch is excited for the club to be open again and to see kids and adults back on the mats.
“It was devastating for the club and our members when we had to close but we are excited to now be reopening and welcoming everyone back into the gym,” she said.
“Since we closed we have had many of our members telling us how much they have missed coming into the club.
“Gymnastics provides so many positive mental and physical health benefits which are more important than ever coming out of isolation.”
The club will be operating with limited classes during the school holiday period to better comply with the Stage 2 Step Down approach for the Roadmap of easing Queensland’s restrictions.