

27 August, 2024

Herberton’s 78th flower show

FROM pansies, poppies and pot plant displays to floral art, photography and children’s handiwork, the 78th annual flower show in Herberton will be a riot of colour to welcome in the Spring.

Herberton’s 78th flower show - feature photo

Hosted by the Herberton Garden Group at the Community Hall, the popular event will be held on Saturday 7 September (12pm-5pm) and Sunday from (9am-12 noon). 

“It’s a true community event,” garden group secretary Sally May said. 

“Herberton Hardware displays and contributes to a fabulous garden-themed raffle and Herberton Spar, Herberton Newsagency, and SGAP donate prizes, as do a number of local families who have long been involved with the show. 

“The local MAS choir gets everyone in the mood with flower-themed songs, and a fabulous morning or afternoon tea is available.”

The display features many varieties of cut flowers, art, orchids, garden produce, craft and photography, as well as displays from local schools and Girl Guides, she added. 

Sally says the Grace Street flower gardens, which are nurtured by the garden group and TRC, are particularly colourful at the moment.

“This year, our poppies are a real picture,” she said. 

The show also coincides with Herberton Mining Centre’s Far North Heritage Expo on Saturday, and will be another reason to visit the town. 

Competition for the show includes categories such as Best Flowering Shrub, Best Pot Plant, Best Native Flower, Best Rose, Best Gerbera, Best Lily, Best Pansy, Best Orchid, Garden Produce, Floral Art, and Needlework (Knitting, Crochet, Patchwork, Hand Embroidery).

Entry to the competition costs 10 cents for Cut flowers; 20 cents for Floral art; 10 cents for Children’s sections and 20 cents for Open Craft. Entries must be made by 6pm on Friday 6 September. 

For more information, contact the secretary on 0427 962 398. Cost to enter the flower show is $5 for adults (cash only). Free for children (up to 14yo).  Morning and afternoon tea is $5 and tickets will be available at the door.


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