
Community & Business

10 May, 2022

Input wanted into age friendly push

FEEDBACK from the community is being sought as part of a push by Tablelands Regional Council to shape an age friendly region.

TRC Age-Friendly Strategy 2022-27 Survey
TRC Age-Friendly Strategy 2022-27 Survey

FEEDBACK from the community is being sought as part of a push by Tablelands Regional Council to shape an age friendly region. 

Councillor Peter Hodge said the organisation wanted to ensure that the region valued, respected older people and actively supported them to participate in their community. 

“We’ve been working with the community for some time to develop our Age-Friendly Strategy 2022-27, action plan and evaluation framework, which are all based on the World Health Organisation’s Age-Friendly Cities model,” he said. “These documents have been informed by surveys, workshops and consultation with volunteers, community groups, industry and residents. “We’re now at the point where the vision, message from the community and key principles are available for feedback and comment.” 

Anyone who wishes to comment should do so quickly via www.trc.qld., with feedback closing on Thursday 12 May.


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