General News
11 October, 2020
Major road upgrades on the way.
In light of COVID-19 and the recent Federal Budget the Far North is getting some major dollars thrown its way for roads and infrastructure.

In light of COVID-19 and the recent Federal Budget the Far North is getting some major dollars thrown its way for roads and infrastructure.
Transport and Main Roads (TMR) have announced a $37.5 million safety upgrade along the Kennedy Highway between Mareeba and Atherton.
This project is jointly funded by the Australian Government and Queensland Government under the $415 million Roads Infrastructure Stimulus Package.
A TMR spokesperson said, “It will deliver significant long-term improvements to traffic flow and safety with turning lanes to be built at key intersections.”
Works will also include installing a wide centreline treatment, audible tactile line marking and safety barriers, as well as widening road shoulders. The works are expected to start late this year (2020), in stages weather permitting, expected completion is mid-2021.
TMR estimate that it will generate an average of 121 direct jobs over the life of the project.
In March of this year, TMR also started a $45 million program of similar safety upgrades on the Kennedy Highway between Kuranda and Mareeba.
Work on these upgrades is expected to be completed in December 2021, weather permitting. Work includes key intersection upgrades, installation of a wide centreline treatment, an overtaking lane, shoulder widening and installation of new safety barriers.
An average of 284 direct jobs will be supported over the life of this project.
TMR also announced that they will be carrying out a $5.8 million package of six safety upgrades in the Tablelands and Cairns wider region as part of the Safer Roads Sooner program.
Works include intersection upgrades, shoulder widening, installation of audible tactile line marking and wide centreline treatment, upgrading existing warning signs and installing vehicle activated signs. The package is being carried out in a staged approach.
Works started in June and are expected to be completed by February 2021, weather permitting.
Works are being undertaken at the following locations:
Mareeba – Dimbulah Road near Leadingham Creek Road to Bruce Weir Road
Kennedy Highway and Belson Road intersection.
Kennedy Highway between Seary Road and Vicary Road
Kennedy Highway near Longlands Gap – Herberton Road
Kennedy Highway near Geraldton Road
Pine Creek – Yarrabah Road, Crossland Road and Redbank Road intersection.
An average of 12 direct jobs will be supported over the life of this project.
This month, TMR will also begin works on an $18 million package of safety upgrades on the Gillies Range Road. Works include key intersection upgrades, installation of wide centreline treatment, new signs on high-risk curves and installation of a new roundabout.
Works are due to be completed in early 2022, weather permitting with an average of 71 jobs supported over the life of this project.
Looking further ahead in mid-2021, we will see the start of progressive sealing of two sections of The Burke Developmental Road (BDR) between Almaden and Chillagoe.
An average of 33 jobs will be supported over the life of this project.
All dates and times supplied by TMR and are subject to change.