General News
28 July, 2021
Residents push for park at Amaroo
RESIDENTS in Amaroo Estate have established a community based advocacy group aiming to get a park built in one of Mareeba’s largest growing residential estates.

RESIDENTS in Amaroo Estate have established a community based advocacy group aiming to get a park built in one of Mareeba’s largest growing residential estates.
Amaroo Estate is located on the eastern side of Mareeba over the Barron River and is easily one of the fastest growing residential estates in Mareeba.
A group of residents have established the Mareeba East Destination Park group to advocate council to have a new park installed for all residents to use.
Will Geddes and his wife Jay are part of the newly formed group and have said that currently there aren’t any parks readily available to use on the eastern side of Mareeba.
“We are always going to the other side of Mareeba or into town, or even to other towns,” Mr Geddes said.
“We are waiting for the association to be formally formed before approaching council.”
Although the park is proposed to be installed within the Amaroo Estate the Mareeba East Destination Park group have been very specific in saying it is for the whole town and other communities.
“It’s such a growing area there are so many young families, a park would be a natural asset to have,” Mrs Geddes said.
“Lots of locals and residents in this area see a need for it.
“It’s not only targeted at Amaroo we have been really specific in it being for Mareeba east because it covers such a large area.”
One of the Developer’s for Amaroo Estate Sam Musumeci approached council some years ago looking to build a park in the new development.
At that stage council didn’t have the required funds and the project has since been shelved, now with an influx of community support the new park could become a reality.
“Council acknowledges the Mareeba East Destination Park group, I can understand their interest I can understand their passion,” Mr Franks said.
“That is where the vast majority of expansion is happening and there isn’t a park on that side of town of any significance.
“At some stage we are going to have to put a park over in that side of town, there is no issue with it at all.
“The website they have put up is very professional and they are putting forward a really good case, they are doing a really good job.”
During the year council has been developing an open parks and spaces strategy with the aim to look at areas across the shire where new parks or open spaces could be installed, Amaroo is one of these areas.
The strategy still needs to be finalised and council hopes to present it later in the year identifying new areas for parks in the shire.