Community & Business
1 December, 2023
Learn about rockets with Toby
THOSE wanting to learn all about becoming an astronaut are invited to join NASA Space Camp graduate Toby Fealy for his Rockets 101 presentation.

Toby was one of four Australians to attend the camp in the USA, bringing home a wide new knowledge about the space and the craft used to get there.
He is eager to share this knowledge over the school holidays with anyone of any age.
His first presentation will be on Tuesday, 5 December, at the Dimbulah Library from 10.30am until 12pm, followed by one at the Chillagoe Library on 6 December from 10.30am to 12pm. Next year, he will present at the Kuranda Library on 4 January from 10.30am to 12pm and on 11 January at the Mareeba Library from 10.30 until 12pm.
Bookings are essential. To book, visit and select Featured Events Bookings.