Community & Business
17 March, 2023
Local film in international spotlight
MAREEBA film maker and actress Lisa Bertoldo has been recognised in the international spotlight for her action-packed short film “Lindy Lou”.

The short film recently took out three awards of merits and special mentions at the Accolade Global Film Competition in the United States of America for best leading actress, best feature film and best women film makers.
Ms Bertoldo was born and raised in Mareeba, leaving the small rural town for the big smokes of New South Wales and Los Angeles to study acting, writing and producing.
She returned to Mareeba during Covid to film her now award-winning short film Lindy Lou, the story of a young woman whose life is thrown into a turmoil after experiencing a tragic loss.
“Constantly fighting the perils of rural life and the constant criticism and pressure from the community and her family, Lindy Lou takes on a dry and witty take to deal with her grievances which will leave audiences both shocked and laughing for more,” Ms Bertoldo said.
“Lindy Lou was mostly shot on my parents property just outside of Mareeba. Having 65 aces set amongst the rural countryside, it was the perfect landscape to showcase what North Queensland has to offer.
“We also used parts of Mareeba such as The Physio Rehab Clinic shopfront… driving scene past the 100 Park and another location just off highway towards Walkamin.”
Having Lindy Lou recognised on an international scale is a dream come true for Ms Bertoldo, and she is proud of the eff orts put in by her team.
“Seeing my picture up there with some pretty well known faces was pretty surreal and after three years of hard work, commitment and Covid hold ups, it's great to see not only my work but the hard work and commitment of all the cast and crew being recognised,” she said.
“A lot of the feedback I have received has been positive and impressed by how professional the overall film looked.
“After successfully winning the Cairns RADF $10000 grant to get it on its legs we didn't have a massive budget and limited resources. We were able to produce two trailers, two original songs plus music videos and full feature film.”
To watch the trailer for Lindy Lou, visit