
Community & Business

21 October, 2023

Locals turnout to walk for a cause

The crisp morning air was alive with anticipation as the sun cast a golden glow upon Mareeba during the Mareeba Mental Health Champions Suicide Prevention Walk.

Locals turnout to walk for a cause - feature photo

Starting at Arnold Park, early risers gathered at 5.30am where Adrienne Smillie, a dedicated champion herself, led a 15-minute stretch to prepare both body and spirit for the journey that lay ahead. 

At 6am, the crowd set off on a 2km walk that wound its way through the quiet streets of Mareeba. 

Returning to Arnold Park, the walkers were greeted by a feeling of accomplishment and the scent of breakfast in the air. 

The event's centrepiece was a series of inspirational speeches from Dr Nathan Walmsley and Katrina Kazim. 

They shared their personal stories of resilience and hope, offering solace and strength to those who needed it most. 


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