Community & Business

17 January, 2025

Major upgrades to water mains

A $1.3 million contract has been awarded to further progress Mareeba Shire’s plan to replace ageing water infrastructure.

Major upgrades to water mains - feature photo

At the last meeting of the year, council awarded A&B Civil a $1.386 million contract for the supply and installation of a new water main on sections of Byrnes Street, Lloyd Street, Walsh Street, Middlemiss Street and Hort Street.

Some of the water infrastructure in Mareeba is more than 60 years old and council has been strategically replacing and upgrading the water network to ensure essential services are maintained as part of its Water Strategy.

“The Water Strategy identified approximately 90km of water mains across the shire that need to be replaced over the next 30 years and could cost up to $100 million, potentially more with inflation,” Mareeba Mayor Angela Toppin said.

“We are currently six years into the plan to renew the water network in Mareeba, with approximately 22km of water mains replaced throughout Mareeba Shire since 2019 at a cost of approximately $7 million.”

In December, Mareeba experienced several major water main breaks which temporarily impacted water supply for residents and businesses in the town.

“Stage 2 of the Water Main Replacement Project will provide greater water security for residents, and we thank the community in advance for their patience when these works begin in the new year,” Mayor Toppin said.

The project will be completed by 30 June 2025.

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