Community & Business
27 September, 2022
More markets for Mareeba
MAREEBA will now become the host of three different market events after Mareeba Shire Council gave approval for the Mareeba Heritage Centre to host their own market as a fund-raising initiative.
The 100 Park Markets will now join the original Mareeba markets which are held on the second and fifth Saturday every month at the Mareeba Turf Club and the make, bake and grow markets run by the Historical Society and Art Society at the 100 Park.
Unlike the other two markets being held in Mareeba, the 100 Park Markets are held on the third Saturday of every month, the same as the Malanda Markets.
The proposal was approved subject to certain conditions; a detailed site plan, traffic management plan and a copy of the approved traffic guidance scheme and Department of Transport and Main Roads permit is to be provided.
In addition, council funds intended for the centre’s operational costs cannot be used to fund the operational and promotional costs of the markets.
Mayor Angela Toppin said it was great to see new events like the markets popping up in Mareeba and giving people a chance to get out.
“We went through Covid and there were a lot of shutdowns and people are really wanting to get out, they are wanting these other opportunities now,” she said.
“I think the growth in markets is good and we get lots of visitors in our town when they happen, so it is a boost for the economy.
“Council will support what the community wants.”
The next markets being held in Mareeba will be both the make, bake and grow markets at the 100 Park and original Mareeba markets at the Mareeba turf club next weekend.