Community & Business
7 August, 2021
NAIDOC celebrations take off at school
THROUGH dances, art and music, Mareeba State School (MSS) celebrated NAIDOC Day for 2021 last Tuesday afternoon, with members of the school community gathering at their school hall to witness the excitement.

THROUGH dances, art and music, Mareeba State School (MSS) celebrated NAIDOC Day for 2021 last Tuesday afternoon, with members of the school community gathering at their school hall to witness the excitement.
The community gathered to see students from both MSS and Mareeba State High School express their culture through many dances and artworks.
Cultural Liaison Officer at MSS Marda Pitt said that it was incredible to see student’s showing off their culture.
“It’s amazing to see the community come together to celebrate NAIDOC and the young ones share their culture as well,” she said.
“We’ve had the traditional dancing, the hula girls and I did a speech about my journey here as well.”
“I am really hoping to see these young ones continue the tradition and keep showing off their culture.”
The ceremony involved the school’s Indigenous dance group performing alongside a local didgeridoo player in front of their family and community.