Community & Business
12 December, 2020
New brochures for proposed Seven Sisters Cycleway
THE Atherton Rotary club has decided to throw their support behind the proposed Seven Sisters Cycleway and has produced brochures about the Pinnacle Pocket and Seven Sisters Cycleway.
THE Atherton Rotary club has decided to throw their supportbehind the proposed Seven Sisters Cycleway and has producedbrochures about the PinnaclePocket and Seven Sisters Cycleway.
The proposed Seven Sisters Cycleway is a 70+km loop of mountain biking and walking trails in and around the southern Tablelands area.
Tablelands Regional Council has agreed to provide principal support for the cyclewayhowever a more detailed reportwhich needs to include costings will need to be presentedto council before any further development.
Funding for the trail must fall on the Sixty and Overs (SAOs) cycling club who initially put forwardthe proposal at last month’s council meeting, however if approved council will take on whole of life and maintenance responsibilities.
Atherton Rotary President Mick Brzozowski wanted to use the brochures as a way to informthe community about the proposed cycleway and its benefits.
“Atherton Rotary has decided to get involved to helppromote this cycleway and activities for young families andpeople to go on these rides and walks,” he said.
“We have helped by donating money for brochures to bedeveloped advertising this proposal and its benefits.
“We are trying to help with the mental health and wellbeingof people and by doing this advertising so people know aboutit, they too can get out there and explore locally.”
Atherton Rotary has produced 250 copies of the Pinnacle Pocket Seven Sisters Cyclebrochure which contains information about the trail and aimsto inform locals about the benefits of the proposed cycleway.
The brochures are now available at TRC information centresand bike and sports stores in and around the southern Tablelands.