General News
25 November, 2022
New leader for Mareeba tourism
THE Mareeba Shire is pushing to get its fair share of the revived tourism industry with Mareeba Shire Council endorsing the newly established Mareeba Shire Tourism.

For many years the Mareeba Shire has been sharing a local tourism organisation with Tablelands Regional Council and many of the shire’s tourism businesses felt it was too focused on the southern Tablelands.
It was decided that a dedicated local tourism organisation was needed for the Mareeba Shire and thus, Mareeba Shire Tourism was born.
Chaired by Councillor Lenore Wyatt, the interim committee currently contains representatives from the Kuranda Traders Association, Mareeba Heritage Centre and the Mareeba Chamber of Commerce with room for more groups as the committee grows.
The committee will solely focus on promoting the Mareeba Shire from the tropical rainforests in the east to the savannah areas in the west, including all its natural attractions and social events such as the Multicultural Festival, Savannah in the Round and more.
Cr Wyatt said as a local tourism organ-isation under the regional group, Tropi-cal Tourism North Queensland (TTNQ), Mareeba Shire Tourism can secure better funding.
“We have these massive events which are unique to our shire such as The Great Wheelbarrow Race, the Multicultural Festival, Savannah in the Round,” she said.
“It is about looking at how we can leverage these events while they are happening and making people stay around.
“We will ensure that we are still talking to other parts of the shire, we have opportunities to bring on board places like Mount Molloy, Irvinebank, Chillagoe, but that is down the track.”
Cr Wyatt is also looking at ways for the Mareeba Shire to “get our share” of the Olympic Games to be held in Brisbane in 2032.
The next physical step of the organisation is to have an official launch in February 2023, followed by developing a strategic direction – outlining an action plan for the committee going forward with tourism..