
Community & Business

27 September, 2022

New subdivison approved for Mareeba

A NEW subdivision on Godfrey Road that will deliver 49 new lots has been approved by Mareeba Shire Council.

New subdivison approved for Mareeba - feature photo

Emerald Creek Heights Pty Ltd is the developer behind the subdivision which will create 48 rural residential allotments and a parkland space over three stages.

A council report stated the lots would range in size from 1-20 hectares, although most lots would be just over two hectares in size.

The parkland will be established in Stage 3 with an area of three hectares backing onto Emerald Creek.

“All lots will be provided with all urban services with the exception of town sewer and will be accessed from a new section of Godfrey Road to the west of the site linking up to Emerald End Road,” the report stated.

“Approximately 1,600 metres of new road will be installed including an intersection to Emerald End Road and a crossing over Cobra Creek.

“Access is not proposed via Godfrey Road east which links up to the Kennedy Highway opposite the Malone Road intersection.”

Councillor Locky Benstead was pleased to see someone taking advantage of the land and helping to develop the shire further.

“This is a good example of land that is not exactly cattle country, horse country or agricultural country,” he said.

“It is country that has big breakaways and this is probably the best use of this land.

“It is another example of someone recognising a parcel of land that is in our footprint of urban development and putting it to use.”

The development has been proposed before, with council approving an application in January 2010 that would have provided 51 lots.

But the development did not eventuate and the approval lapsed in March 2016.

Stage 1 of the development will involve establishing 18 lots ranging in size from 1.01 hectares to 7.62 hectares, while Stage 2 will deliver another 14 Lots ranging in size from 1.05 hectares to 20.39 hectares, and Stage 3 comprises 17 lots ranging in size from 1.32 hectares to 7.04 hectares.

“The three large lots have been included to cover those parts of the site that contain drainage features and remnant vegetation subject to clearing restrictions. These lots are able to accommodate a single dwelling,” the report stated.

Each lot will be serviced by electricity, town water and a connection to the NBN network and will be accessed by a bitumen sealed internal road network.

A road connection to the balance land of neighbouring Country Road Estate to the west will be done in Stage 3.


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