Community & Business
8 May, 2024
Open day showcases Coast Guard services
LOCAL boaties are being invited to attend an open day at Coast Guard Innisfail this Saturday and consider becoming a volunteer for the service.

The Innisfail branch of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association (AVCGA) was formed in 1974 as a marine search and rescue flotilla (QF15) based at Mourilyan Harbour.
This year, the service is celebrating 50 years of continuous volunteerism and is seeking more people to join the current 16 members who volunteer for the QF15.

Deputy Flotilla Commander Pete Slaughter said marine search and rescue challenged men and women to train in vessel operations at sea.
“Australia-wide demographic trends indicate that as the ‘baby boomers’ age, many community groups struggle to recruit fresh volunteers - and so it is with Coast Guard Innisfail,” he said.
“As a registered training organisation, the AVCGA provides approved courses for roles as Skipper/Coxswain and Crew/General Purpose Hand onboard commercial vessels,” he said.
“QF15 has a fleet of rescue craft, ranging from offshore patrol boats to inflatable zodiacs for near-coastal activation. Coast Guard crew are 100% volunteers from Far North Queensland.
“Coast Guard Innisfail welcomes men and women (over 18 years of age) to participate in learning how to ‘Save lives at sea’ through complimentary, industry-standard, structured training with friendly skippers and crewmates.”
Commander Slaughter said open days for the public at the QF15 base allowed people to experience the “Coast Guard at work” through safety flare demonstrations, radio room operations and small boat safety equipment displays.
Tours of rescue vessels and equipment, boating safety videos and membership information will be available from Coast Guard skippers and crew at the open day on 11 May.
The open day starts at 10am and goes until 2pm, with complimentary drinks and snack food provided to visitors.
Anyone wishing to consider volunteering can contact the Flotilla Commander on 0422 982 660 or email to