Community & Business
2 July, 2022
Peak industries to converge on Mareeba for R&D Field Day
THE region’s half a billion-dollar horticulture industry will be well represented at the upcoming FNQ Growers Field Day, with a number of peak industry bodies coming to Mareeba to meet current and prospective growers.
![Peak industries to converge on Mareeba for R&D Field Day](
FNQ Growers, together with major sponsor TGT and other supporters, is hosting the day-long event on Friday 29 July at the Mareeba Turf Club.
Chair Joe Moro said the intent of the field day was to bring together peak industry bodies and industry stakeholders to display the latest in research and development work in the region’s horticultural commodities.
“In terms of horticulture in northern Australia, our region is a powerhouse, and the response from the peak industry bodies to our invitation to participate in the event is indicative of this,” Mr Moro said.
“We have secured the support and participation of major players including the Australian Mango Industry Association, Avocados Australia, Citrus Australia, Papaya Australia, Australian Banana Growers Council, Cotton Australia, Aus- Veg and MSF Sugar.
“A number of our industry stakeholders including Hort Innovation, Growcom, RDATNQ, Gulf Savannah NRM, FNQ Food Incubator, TNQ Regional Food Network, Civic Ledger and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries have also jumped on board to be involved. “
By bringing the key players under one roof we hope growers and other interested parties will be able to receive first-hand information that may help shape their future farming decisions.”
An information forum sponsored by Hort Innovation will also be delivered.
Mr Moro said two forum sessions would be held, with the morning to focus on setting the scene in horticulture and featuring guest speakers from the major industries including avocadoes and mangoes.
“The afternoon forum will look at opportunities that are available to farmers including those presenting in cotton, a new crop in the region, carbon and export,” he said.
Both sessions will involve a Q&A session.
The day will conclude with a free farmers barbecue sponsored by Bendigo Bank.
Entry is free.
Opportunities are available for commercial exhibits at the event.
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