Community & Business
8 October, 2022
Projects get green light from council
A NEW horse riding and equestrian school near Mareeba and the expansion of a nursing home near Julatten have been approved by Mareeba Shire Council.
The horse riding school will be established on a site on the Kennedy Highway near Mareeba, complete with a new outdoor and indoor area and facilities to provide horse agistment services for 20 horses on seven paddocks on the property.
Cr Locky Benstead said he was pleased to sup-port the project and drew attention to the significant size of the proposed indoor arena.
“I will take my little hat off and put my big Akubra on and say, the indoor arena of 80 metres by 29 metres, that is a significant indoor covered arena,” he said.
“It is a sign of some growth in the equestrian industry and it is another tick in the box for our shire to welcome in some more residents who are chasing that type of sport.”
The school is expected to operate up to six days a week and involve a maximum of 20 clients per day.
Council also approved extensions to the Mt Kooyong Nursing Home near Julatten.
The project involves demolishing two of the buildings on site to allow for two new buildings to accommodate an additional 12 units for elderly people, a nurse’s station, two communal areas and storage areas.