Community & Business
28 September, 2024
Readying for a disaster
AN annual exercise to ensure that emergency services, Tablelands Regional Council and other agencies are ready for the upcoming storm and bushfire season has been conducted.
This year, the exercise focused on the response to a fast-moving bushfire, providing an opportunity to explore if relevant functional plans and procedures are robust and appropriate to the needs of the community.
The exercise, held last Wednesday, also presents staff and stakeholders with an opportunity to practice their role, demonstrate their capabilities and gain a qualification applicable to their role.
One of the key objectives of the exercise was to evaluate the capability of the Tablelands Local Disaster Coordination Centre’s Incident Management Team to support the Queensland Fire Department as the lead agency in a rapidly evolving bushfire scenario.
The exercise also evaluates participants’ understanding of their role and responsibilities and the ability of the Incident Management Team to complete key tasks.
It also allows the LDCC to practice its capability to identify, open and resource evacuation centres in support of bushfire operations.
The exercise also evaluated participants’ ability to use the Guardian Incident Management System to coordinate the LDCC’s response and initial recovery efforts.