
General News

20 April, 2022

Reservoir set to deliver

A $7 MILLION major water project at Ravenshoe that will deliver a new reservoir, pipework, booster pump and upgrades to water intakes is progressing well, with the final part of the wall of the reservoir expected to be poured later this month.

Reservoir set to deliver - feature photo

Much of the works associated with the project is complete, with the booster pump station building, and pipelines done last year. 

Three of the four wall pours for the reservoir have now been completed and the last one is due before the end of March. 

The design of a water treatment plant and booster pump stations to connect Millstream, Cassowary Heights and Bellview Estate to the Ravenshoe Scheme is also underway and the pipeline routes have been surveyed. 

Tablelands Regional Council has allocated $2.43 million in the 2022-23 budget for the construction of the booster pump and pipelines which are expected to be completed in that financial year. 

Funding is being sought for the construction of the water treatment plant which is expected to be done in the 2023-24 financial year. 

The project is funded by the Queensland Government’s Works for Queensland and Local Government Grants and Subsidies Programs as well as Tablelands Regional Council.


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