Community & Business
7 September, 2023
Road trip showcases science to students
ATHERTON and Dimbulah students had the opportunity to engage with leading Australian researchers during the National Quantum and Dark Matter Road Trip for National Science Week recently.

Eight researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics (CDM) and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS) presented to students and hosted activities surrounding dark matter and physics.
Road trip organiser and physicist Dr Ben McAllister said the event aimed to provide rural and regional students with access to cutting-edge science.
“The National Quantum and Dark Matter Road Trip brings the excitement of science to students who live outside capital cities,” he said.
“During our sessions, we (introduced) secondary school students to the mystery of dark matter and the impact of quantum technologies.
“We hope that by visiting these schools in northern Queensland, we can show students the diversity, creativity and exciting potential of a career in science.”