
General News

9 March, 2025

Sealing the deal for Ootann Road

THE long-awaited sealing of Ootann Rd is a step closer following the approval of two tenders to provide a road base and surface seal during a meeting of Mareeba Shire Council last week.

Sealing the deal for Ootann Road - feature photo

Gunther Resources was awarded a $507,000 tender to supply and deliver approximately 13,000 tonnes of road base for the road, with a council-requested supply rate of 600-750 tonnes a day. 

This would ensure on-time delivery and a cap on labour, plant and accommodation costs.

A second tender went to Stabilised Pavements Australia Pty Ltd for $228,969 to conduct supply and delivery (excluding traffic control), of 22,000m-squared of two-coat bitumen seal.

However, based on the available balance of funding, the scope of works will be for gravel surfacing, and then sealing of the southern section of the road only.

The Ootann resealing project is 80% funded by the Federal Government, 10% by the State Government and the remaining 10% by the council.


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