

20 March, 2023

Speedway action returns to Tepon

Results from the recent Tableland Competition Car Club meet at the Tepon Speedway.

Andrew McCreath
Andrew McCreath


D Grade: 3rd – Emma Ross 30 Pts, 2nd – William Jonsson 37 pts, 1st – Harrison Jonsson 49 pts. 

C Grade: 3rd – Mark & Daniel Toohey 23 pts, 2nd - Sophie Jonsson 39 pts, 1st – Ezra Bartholt 43 pts. 

B Grade: 3rd – Daniel Weller 29 pts, 2nd – Geoff Schulz 30 pts, 1st – Josh Dotti 34 pts. 

A Grade: 3rd – David Shade 38 pts, 2nd – Owen Jonsson 39 pts, 1st – Cameron O’Flynn 40pts.


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