

28 November, 2024

United turnout for club

WITH over 40 members crowding the room last Monday, the Mareeba United Football Club’s third AGM was clearly on steadier ground, as volunteers lined up to take on 2025 committee roles.

United turnout for club - feature photo

The turnout followed an Express Newspaper article on 20 November which had reported on the Club’s AGM which had attracted only seven people, including the local mayor and a representative from the newspaper. 

“A lot of people thought we embarrassed the club by running the article,” former Vice President Vince Tatti said. 

“But unfortunately, that’s what we had to do to get everyone to turn up. And I think it was a huge success. Everyone turned up and we have a committee sorted for this year.”

Committee members were at their wits’ end following the AGM, with no one to fill positions, including president, and those current executive members retiring after carrying a heavy volunteer load during 2024. 

While discussions at the latest meeting were at times heated, there was no doubting the passion all members had for their club, which has been running for over 70 years. 

Newly elected President Ange Tatti, who has been with the club since he was a junior player, agreed that he had come to the meeting when he’d learned of the need for volunteers.

“I’ve been here a long time, I think it’s my turn now, just to step up and give it a go,” he said.

Once he had gone forward, he was followed in quick succession by others. 

“That support was a big weight off my shoulders,” he said. “And it looks like we’ve got a good set-up there in the committee and general committee, and hopefully we can all work together.” 

The new MUFC management committee has additional support with two junior vice president positions. The committee included: President: Ange Tatti, Vice President: Joe Marinelli, Secretary: Shannon Sawle, Treasurer: Julie Alderton, Junior Vice presidents: Vince Marcel and Ross Malfitana, and Registrar: Stephenie Prizmic.

Ange said he hoped to get working on “getting the teams established” for the new year and bringing in some good rewards for the club. 

“Off the field, I’m not sure, I need to get my head around it,” he said. 

Some of the operational solutions which have been discussed previously included rostered volunteering, monthly calendars, game day rosters, and delegated responsibilities for club maintenance.


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