
On The Land

25 July, 2024

Who will be Farmer of the Year?

NOMINATIONS for the 2024 Charlie Nastasi Horticultural Farmer of the Year are now open and locals are being encouraged to put forward worthy growers, with submissions set to close at the end of the month.

Who will be Farmer of the Year? - feature photo

The prestigious award honours a horticultural grower who has demonstrated outstanding innovation and exceptional leadership in the Far North Queensland horticultural commodities.

The award is an initiative of peak advocacy body, FNQ Growers, and named in honour of the late Charlie Nastasi, an innovative mango grower from Biboohra, near Mareeba.

FNQ Growers president Joe Moro said nominees should address award criteria in two key areas.

“The award seeks those growers who have demonstrated outstanding innovation in horticulture through the development of new crops, new growing methods or adoption of technology to deliver efficiency improvements across the supply chain,” he said. “The award also seeks to recognise growers who have displayed exceptional leadership.

“This can be in organisations representing their respective horticultural commodities, key advocacy groups and community groups.

“Exceptional leadership can also include a grower’s influence or standing in an industry – outside official duties.”

Nominations are open until 29 July and can be emailed to or posted to PO Box 989, Mareeba 4880.

A gala growers dinner will be held on 13 September when the 2024 winner will be announced.


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